Saturday, November 28, 2009

7 years!

I was 17 when my little sister was born...
The joy and pride of being the family's youngest snatched away from me...
While I was left dangling in between, the joy of having her around I could never initially gauge!

Now she's turning 8 this May... God how time flies, and I look back over the years...
And see the many ways that she has matured me...

From teaching catch to a toddler, to cycling to a 5 year old...
And then falling and laughing for an hour...
To keeping decibel levels down and ensuring that you never swear in front of her...
To not fighting with Mom and the older sister...
To understanding that that curly hair IS a way of life :-)

To seeing her get ready - enthusiastically, mind you, to go to school and come back and tell me that 2+2=4...
Discovering the joys of painting - the bedsheet and watching Mom get mad...

From trying to prove that candy bars and chips are equally nutritious as broccoli... to rediscovering your love with 'Tom & Jerry'...

How time flies... I write this and see the first traces age catching up with me... and I see how much my little sister has grown... and how I have barely managed to catch up with her :-)

She has a thousand nicknames, and while she'll outgrow them soon, she's always be my lil sister to me!

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